Special Judge Lynne McGuire


Special Judges are not voted on by the People.  They are appointed and have no oversight except by the District Judge who appoints them.  The state allows for Special Judges to help with overburdened court dockets, but when they’ve “served” for as many years as many of our Special Judges have served, they either need to be added as District Judges, which allow for a vote by the People, or they need to be removed from the court.  The People deserve a judicial system that is responsive and responsible to the people they are supposed to serve.  Judge McGuire has continuously abused her power as a judge and refuses to abide by the statutory rules which are in place to protect the citizens of Oklahoma.  Judges are NOT above the law, but when they have no oversight and cannot be questioned or corrected, they might as well be above the law.  Take back our courts now!